
A.D.O.P.T. Pet Shelter has partnered with Positive Solutions for A Sound Beginning NFP to create A.D.O.P.T. Training for A Sound Beginning. We Offer 100% positive reinforcement training using only gentle methods, resulting in a positive and healthy human-animal bond.

Our new training facility is located next to the shelter at 425 Industrial Drive Unit 133A. We have training classes, resources for our community and so much more.

Click here to view and register for classes.

Mission Statement
To provide a fun and supportive training experience that builds trusting relationships that last a lifetime.
If you would like to make a donation to help fund the training and resource center, click here.

Basic Training Classes

Basic Obedience
Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: 6 months and up
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

Focusing on good manners every dog should learn including:

  • Leash walking
  • Polite Greetings
  • Come when Called
  • Sit and Stay

and so much more!

Puppy Class
Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: 6 months and under
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

Focusing on good manners every puppy should learn including:

  • Polite Greetings
  • Leash Walking
  • Come when Called

Classes are designed to build confidence & resilience as well as socialization skills.

Teen Manners
Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: 6-24 months
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

Adolescence is a hard time for both dogs! During this period, dogs experience BIG EMOTIONS to both scary and exciting stimuli.

In this class, we will be focusing on:

  • Loose Leash Walking
  • Polite Greetings
  • Come When Called
  • Wait and Stay
  • Drop/Leave it

and so much more!

Training Classes Images for Website
Intermediate Obedience-Step Up Your Game!
Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: 6 months and up
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

Ready for the next level? We’ll help you step up your game by taking what you have already learned and make it more reliable by adding distractions and working in different situations to proof your skills for a more solid understanding of behavior at BOTH ends of the leash.

Behavioral Training Classes

Building Blocks of Behavior
Class Size: 4 dogs
Age: 6 months and up
Class Length: 1 hour, 4 weeks

Focusing on the foundation skills needed for the life of your dog In this class, we teach the basic skills needed in order to help your dog cope in situations that may cause anxiety, fear, or arousal, which is different from your typical obedience class.

We limit distractions through the use of visual barriers and smaller class sizes, while teaching the foundation basics of behavior modification that are important in everyday life and living in the real world.

We provide a safe environment where each class builds upon the prior lessons but each focuses on different behaviors that build confidence and trust.

For dogs of any age or behavior concern. This class is especially helpful for newly adopted dogs to help them transition into their new homes and bond with their new family members.

Feisty Fido: In the Real World
Class Size: 4 dogs
Age: 6 months and up
Class Length: 1 hour

This is a one-hour drop in class that is offered to help those already in a reactivity program. If you are looking to start a leash reactivity program, please see our 4 week course titled only Feisty Fido OR Building Blocks of Behavior.

This is a special one hour opportunity for dogs that have been working in a class or with a trainer one-on-one on leash reactivity and want to have the opportunity to train alongside others in a safe and supportive environment.

Must have completed one of the following where the focus was on leash reactivity:

  • A group class such as Feisty Fido, Rowdy Rover, etc. at a positive training facility
  • In-home training with a positive reinforcement trainer
  • Any group class through A Sound Beginning Program

Novelty Classes

Tricks, Tricks, Tricks!
Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: Any
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

Training should always be fun and this class is guaranteed to fit the bill!

TRICKS are great for entertaining friends and family.

TRICKS also have practical application in everyday life.

TRICKS enhance your dog’s focus and builds their confidence.

There are so many reasons why teaching our dogs tricks is helpful. When dogs are stressed or even just lacking focus, many dogs will default to a familiar trick they’ve learned. It allows them to go into a “Thinking Brain” and gives them something they know they can do, no matter what’s happening in the environment.

Whether you want to earn a title, you want to help your dog learn coping skills, or you just want a fun class to spend time with your best friend, this is it!

Rally Free
Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: Any
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

Would you like to learn something NEW while having a whole lot of FUN together?

This novice class begins with learning to HEEL on both your left and right sides, adding spins, cross-overs, and your dog’s favorite tricks to make it a positive way to improve leash-walking skills and a more focused walking partner.

We’ll have a set group of exercises to learn and similar to a rally class, those exercises would be paired together as a Rally Free Novice course.

Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: Any
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

This beginner class will provide a solid foundation for teaching your dog to pull a cart. Whether you want to try something new with your dog, or maybe your goals are set for competition, we guarantee this will be a FUN activity!

“Pulling carts to help transport items was a task that many dogs were – and still are – to do to help around farms. Dogs like to pull – and this gives them an acceptable way to their right to do so!”

Drafting became a sport for dogs that were bred for pulling such as Newfies, Rotties, Berners – but ANY dog ANY size ANY breed can learn how to pull a cart.

The focus of this intro class is on SAFETY, FORM, FUNCTION, and FOOTWORK.

You do NOT need a cart or harness to participate in this entry level class.

Specialty Classes

Cooperative care
Class Size: 4 dogs
Age: Any
Class Length: 1 hour, 4 weeks

Vet exams, medical treatment and just daily care can be really stressful for pets and pet guardians.

In this class you’ll learn the breakdown and steps on how to carefully and strategically work towards your cooperative care goals – whether it’s muzzle training, nail trims or eye drops – this class is a great place to work alongside others to reach those goals.

You’ll learn a “start button behavior” and all about pet consent, how to add in the props like the muzzle, nail clippers or drops, how to build your care team and confidently advocate for your pet and lastly, putting it all together.

We provide an environment where distractions are limited to allow your dog to feel safe.

Canine Good Citizen
Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: Any
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

Learn how to manage your dog around distractions that we encounter in our everyday lives by building reliability for recalls, sits, stays, leash walking and more. This class introduces the requirements necessary and skills needed to pass the evaluation for the AKC Canine Good Citizen certification.

The CGC is a prerequisite for many therapy dog certifications and just a great way to help your dog become a welcomed member of the community.

Therapy Dog Prep Class
Class Size: 6 dogs
Age: Any
Class Length: 1 hour, 5 weeks

As we find more ways that animals can provide comfort to people in settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, universities, reading programs at libraries and schools; there is a huge need for more teams.

This class is designed to help handler / dog teams with preparation for the therapy dog evaluations. This is also a great class to help determine if your dog is a good candidate for therapy dog work. We will focus on the requirements for the Pet Partners program but will also touch on requirements for Alliance and TDI.