Owner Surrender

Owner Surrender

The majority of our animals enter our facility through shelter transfers. We rescue animals from local animal controls when their required stray holding period has ended & they have not been reclaimed.

We also take a small percentage of owner surrenders. Owners who wish to surrender their pet should complete a surrender form. We have a cat surrender form here and a dog surrender form here.

Our Intake Committee reviews all owner surrender requests to determine whether or not the animal is suitable for our adoption program.  If appropriate, an appointment will be arranged to assess the animal medically and behaviorally at which time a determination will be made on whether or not to accept the animal.

Please keep in mind that if your animal is accepted, there will be a surrender fee. Surrendered animals will require a $100 surrender fee and small critters will require a $50 surrender fee. This fee goes towards the continued care of the animal including food, veterinary care, medications, and staffing.

We do not accept any walk-in surrenders. Animals abandoned on our property are turned over to animal control as required by law.

I found a stray animal- can I bring them to A.D.O.P.T?
We are not licensed by the State of Illinois to take in stray animals. They must be surrendered to your local animal control center where they can stay for a required stray holding period. This gives their families the chance to come forward and claim them. If their owners cannot be found, animal control will make make every effort to place them in loving homes through adoption or transfer them to a no-kill shelter like A.D.O.P.T. Please note that we are very fortunate to be in a community where many animal controls are dedicated to rescuing strays and placing them in loving homes through adoption or transferring them to no-kill shelters like A.D.O.P.T. Check out some of the great things happening at local animal control centers on the news!